Friday, November 30, 2012

Where to Buy Beta Alanine Pro

Jordan Klawinski asked:

When you are seriously considering upping your weights or increasing your sets you will need a way to boost your endurance. If you want to get past that point of failure where the muscles either just give out or cause too much pain to go on, it is important to find a supplement that is known to be effective in helping you to overcome those obstacles.

There is a product that was developed to reduce the acidic environment that is created when you work those muscles. It’s really that acidity that causes inflammation and consequently pain and fatigue. Beta Alanine Pro delivers superior results so that you can achieve superior performance. Because it is a product that was developed with the pros in mind, it is not available anywhere but online.

Beta Alanine Pro was developed to radically increase stamina and strength by neutralizing that acidity. This is accomplished by boosting carnosine levels in the muscles. Of course carnosine is naturally occurring in muscle tissue and it serves the purpose of maintaining a pH balance but on its own it is only just so effective. Once you’ve increased your workouts you will need to boost levels of carnosine.

This supplement enhances carnosine and you will be able to extend your limits. It was developed with professionals in mind and it is professional strength. Although you can only get it online, you can get an introductory shipment from the manufacturer’s website. Details on this trial offer are listed on the web page, but you must be at least 18 years of age.



As you guys know, I NEVER




send out a lot of promotions…..

Why? Well 99% of them don’t work!

BUT, there is a line of people




I called him, then I begged him,



This Saturday, at 7pm EST

He will do a ONE TIME appearance on a webinar.

I personally know 6 FIGURE EARNERS HE HAS





~ Cynthia Social Cowgirl



As you guys know, I NEVER
send out a lot of promotions.....

Why? Well 99% of them don't work!

BUT, there is a line of people



I called him, then I begged him,


This Saturday, at 7pm EST
Roger will do a ONE TIME appearance on a webinar.

I personally know 6 FIGURE EARNERS HE HAS

Read more ...


As you guys know, I NEVER
send out a lot of promotions.....

Why? Well 99% of them don't work!

BUT, there is a line of people



I called him, then I begged him,


This Saturday, at 7pm EST
Roger will do a ONE TIME appearance on a webinar.

I personally know 6 FIGURE EARNERS HE HAS

Read more ...

Millionaire Lessons From Former Gang Member Ryan Blair

Millionaire Lessons From Former Gang Member Ryan Blair

Ryan Blair didn’t get off to a good start. At age 16, when most kids born into a middle-class household are starting to wonder which colleges they want to apply to, he was sitting in a jail cell in Los Angeles, the result of his 10th arrest as a juvenile. In the previous few years, he’d left the family house because of his father’s meth addiction and violent behavior, spent almost a year living in a toolshed in his half-sister’s backyard, and joined a gang. (He’s got the tattoos to prove it.) His numerous siblings had already spent a collective decade doing hard time, and Blair seemed a good bet to join the family club. Luckily, that last stint behind bars—26 days—scared him straight.

Fast-forward a few decades. Owner of a sprawling home in the Hollywood Hills, Blair today is the chief executive officer of ViSalus Sciences—seller of Body By Vi, a weight-loss and fitness challenge program. The company is on track to hit $600 million in revenue in 2012. (He sold ViSalus, which he founded, to Blyth  in 2008.) While he never went to college, he’s still got a résumé an MBA would kill for: as a self-made millionaire, a serial entrepreneur (he’s founded half a dozen other companies over the past decade), and a New York Times bestselling author of a fast-paced guide to entrepreneurship,Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: How I Went From Gang Member to Multimillionaire Entrepreneur.Bloomberg Businessweek caught up with Blair to find out what he learned on the streets that helped him succeed in business.

Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Milk

“The new guy in jail gets tested right away, usually by someone walking up and demanding their milk at lunch. If you give it away without a fight, you’ve got tough times ahead. The same thing goes on in business every day: People are always trying to get their hands on your equity or get money out of your company, whether it’s by renegotiating agreements or hitting you with lawsuits. You have to stand up for yourself and your principles. Because if you allow one person to steal your milk, others will follow.”

Make People Earn Your Trust

“A lot of times in business, your natural inclination is to trust everyone, in particular potential business partners, financing partners, and the like. That’s a mistake. You never trust a brand-new person on the streets, and I use the same philosophy now as I did then: You have to earn my trust, and I am constantly verifying people’s intentions and motives.”

The Strongest Guy Isn’t the Most Powerful Person in the Room

“The one with the most influence is. This is as true in the boardroom as it is in a street gang. You might be the primary equity holder in a company you founded, but watch out for an influential board member who’s gunning for you. They can take you out just as easily as a guy with a gun.”

Street Smarts Trump Book Smarts Any Day

“If you want to impress me, don’t throw rhetoric, résumés, or buzzwords my way. Tell me a practical vision you have for getting the job done, whether it’s in leadership, management, or processes.”

Get My Name Right

“There are plenty of people in my old neighborhood who didn’t want me to succeed. And there have been plenty of people since with their fancy degrees and who have done it all by the book that don’t appreciate my route to success. Talk about me all you want—good or bad—because I’m not paying attention. But just get my name right, will you?”

Full Article:

Pick one of the following 3 options to get started:

Buy what you need,

when you need it.

No obligations.

3 For FREE Program,

Wholesale prices and

FREE Product!

Become a Promoter!

Have Fun and Make Money!
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The post Millionaire Lessons From Former Gang Member Ryan Blair appeared first on Visalus Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge.


Millionaire Lessons From Former Gang Member Ryan Blair

Millionaire Lessons From Former Gang Member Ryan Blair

Ryan Blair didn’t get off to a good start. At age 16, when most kids born into a middle-class household are starting to wonder which colleges they want to apply to, he was sitting in a jail cell in Los Angeles, the result of his 10th arrest as a juvenile. In the previous few years, he’d left the family house because of his father’s meth addiction and violent behavior, spent almost a year living in a toolshed in his

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Millionaire Lessons From Former Gang Member Ryan Blair

Millionaire Lessons From Former Gang Member Ryan Blair
Ryan Blair didn’t get off to a good start. At age 16, when most kids born into a middle-class household are starting to wonder which colleges they want to apply to, he was sitting in a jail cell in Los Angeles, the result of his 10th arrest as a juvenile. In the previous few years, he’d left the family house because of his father’s meth addiction and violent behavior, spent almost a year living in a toolshed in his half-sister’s

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Mary Kay Marketing Ideas – 3 Actions to Put Your MLM in Overdrive

Evan DuChene asked:

Mary Kay Marketing Ideas and techniques that will enable your MLM business to skyrocket past the competition. There are many thousands of Mary Kay distributors, why? Because it is a great company with great products and a great track record. Your challenge will be to set yourself apart from the masses. Equipped with the proper marketing strategies, you can quickly and easily take your business to levels far past your wildest dreams.

1.Simply selling the products will not at all set you apart.

It is quite normal for people in MLM to get excited about and wrapped up in their company’s products. Please do not get me wrong, it is important to know your products inside and out and to be excited about them. However, most MLM distributors fall into the trap of concentrating their efforts on selling the products and in so doing become just one in millions that are doing the exact same thing. One of your first Mary Kay marketing ideas is you should instead concentrate your efforts on promoting your most unique and valuable asset, YOU! You are an interesting, talented unique person, so capitalize on that.

2.Define yourself.

Mary Kay marketing ideas also includes defining yourself. As I previously mentioned, you are an interesting, talented unique person. You had a reason for starting your MLM business. You may have been downsized out of a job or are a stay at home mother looking to generate income from the comforts of home. You may be earning extra money to help pay for your son or daughter’s college. Whatever your reason is, there are many people out there that can relate to it. People relate to other people much more than they relate to big corporations. Learning how to define or brand yourself online will set you free.

3.Ok, now get out there and market yourself and your MLM online.

I know what you are thinking. That sounds good, but how the heck do I do that? It is very easy if you know what you are doing. The key is to get people, lots of people to check out your web site. There are many ways to do that. Bloging, article writing, video marketing and social media marketing just to name a few. This is probably the most important of the three Mary Kay marketing ideas. The reason I say this is that you could have the most unique, slickest, smoothest just all round best site ever made on the internet. If know one visits your amazing site, how many sales will you make from it? How many distributors will you sign up because of it? You know the answer don’t you? A big fat zero.

A little final tip.

In traditional business like a physical gift shop or a book store, the owner or manager can very accurately tell you what the sales were on a given day based on how many people visited the store. Are they psychic or clairvoyant? Some may think they are, but it has nothing at all to do with that. The silly little secret is that it is all simply a numbers game. Out of all the people that visit your store, a certain given consistent percentage of people will buy something. Will all of them make a purchase? No. But make no mistake if you can drive people into your store a certain percent of them will buy something.

I know what your saying. How in the world does this apply to me and how can this be considered a Mary Kay marketing idea. The answer is, that it is the same with an online store or web site as it is with a physical store. Out of all the people that visit your site, a certain percentage will make a purchase or join your opportunity. WOW! Did you catch that? You will develop a consistent visitors to sales ratio. It is all a numbers game. Simply increase the amount of visitors to your site and you will automatically increase the amount of sales or sign ups.

Automate Social Media Marketing


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Body By Vi Rewards



The Body by Vi Challenge has become the fastest growing health movement in North America, with over 150,000 new challengers joining every month!  Even more amazing, this has all been done with NO TRADITIONAL ADVERTISING!  The Challenge is going viral,  powered by people telling people about their results! ViSalus fuels this organic growth with an entire program of cash bonuses and other rewards for simply promoting the Challenge!

Simply share your results with everyone that you know and you can not only get your product for FREE, but you can earn income, win prizes, be sent on paid for vacations, and even get $600 per month to drive a BMW of your choice!

visalus body by vi products visalus body by vi people and culture visalus body by vi opportunity visalus 90 day body by vi challenge  Body By Vi Rewards

visalus body by vi products visalus body by vi people and culture visalus body by vi opportunity visalus 90 day body by vi challenge  Body By Vi Rewards

Pick one of the following 3 options to get started:

Buy what you need,

when you need it.

No obligations.

3 For FREE Program,

Wholesale prices and

FREE Product!

Become a Promoter!

Have Fun and Make Money!
visalus body by vi products visalus body by vi people and culture visalus body by vi opportunity visalus 90 day body by vi challenge  Body By Vi Rewardsvisalus body by vi products visalus body by vi people and culture visalus body by vi opportunity visalus 90 day body by vi challenge  Body By Vi Rewardsvisalus body by vi products visalus body by vi people and culture visalus body by vi opportunity visalus 90 day body by vi challenge  Body By Vi Rewards

The post Body By Vi Rewards appeared first on Visalus Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge.


5 Tips For Marketing Your Business on Twitter

Who would’ve thought that something as simple as Twitter, a social media site that lets you send 140-character messages to your online community, would end up becoming one of the most powerful internet marketing tools available? But if you think about it, it makes complete sense. Twitter is simple, instantaneous, and easy to use. It [...]


An All Natural Antioxidant Face Cream Will Work Wonders For Your Skin

Ingrid Palmer asked:

The best way to fight the signs of aging is to use an antioxidant face cream. It is also great for reversing those lines and wrinkles that have already began to take effect.

If you seriously want to reduce those fine lines and wrinkles and get rid of those brown age spots then your only alternative is to use an antioxidant face cream. A top quality cream will leave you with beautiful complexion. And the best cream for you is one that is natural and organic.

However be very careful when shopping for a natural face cream as most of the products being advertised use the term natural, but are they really natural. How can you tell? Check the label of any cream you purchase to make sure they do not contain any harmful chemical ingredients.

By harmful ingredients I mean no parabens, alcohols, mineral oil, dioxane, fragrances and triclosan. These are harmful substances and not will enhance your skin.

Try to find an antioxidant face cream that contain natural, active ingredients that have been scientifically tested and proven to work, one that has been tested on human volunteers. Then you will know that the product is as good as it says.

There are two major things that cause your skin to age. These are:

Free Radicals that are in the body wreaking havoc on your skin cells, this in turn leads to aging skin.

Your body’s loss of collagen and elastin production: As you get older your skin basically stops producing these two proteins and they are responsible for keeping your skin structural fibers together making it firm and smooth.

You need to find and use a product that will help your body increase collagen and elastin levels in your skin as well as to give you antioxidant in a high concentration. This type of product is the only way to see true result.

Let me help you find this type of product by giving you a list of a few of the ingredients to look for:

Cynergy TK: This is a substance that is very natural it helps your body to stimulate its collagen and elastin production to a higher level that will cause wrinkles and fine lines to disappear. This has been proven in clinical trials. It is a strong antioxidant and is able to fight free radicals preventing further damage to your skin.

Phytessence Wakame: A known beauty preserver which should be in every antioxidant face cream. It is extracted from Japanese sea algae. It has amazing healing properties for the skin. It is a powerful antioxidant so it works to fight those free radicals while nourishing your skin deep down through its many layers. This is a must have in your daily skin care routine.

Learn about more awesome natural substances to revitalize and rejuvenate your skin at my website.


How to Setup A Squeeze Page


Herbalife – The Complete Review

Eli Caraballo asked:

Herbalife was founded in 1980 by Mark Hughes with a dream to help improve people’s health as well as their wealth through a MLM business opportunity. Their primary products are based on weight loss. His passion for this industry, Mark claimed, came from watching his own mother struggle most of her life with weight issues that ultimately lead to her death caused by an overdose on diet pills.

Herbalife carries a vast variety of products aside from their very popular weight loss supplements such as; energy and fitness products, personal care products, and targeted nutritional products.

In the early 2000′s Ephedra was highly promoted in a lot of weight reducing products including some of the Herbalife products. Research later discovered that Ephedra was actually harmful to certain heart conditions. As soon as this was confirmed Herbalife took the necessary steps to ensure the safety of their consumers by reformulating their products to be Ephedra free.

Herbalife has been around for the last 30 years and it’s one of the leading MLM companies in the industry. This is due to their dedication in continued research and improvements to their products and the fair compensation plan offered to their distributors.

I’ll be honest with you, I used to be an Herbalife distributor a few years ago, and from my personal experience their products are really effective. My wife still orders them from time to time. I did fairly well with the business too but I was using the old traditional MLM methods you might be familiar with, you know the chasing your friends and family, the 3 foot rule, etc. The internet was not utilized as a means to effectively market this type of business during my involvement with Herbalife like it is today. With the proper internet marketing skills you can achieve great heights with this or any other credible company. Best of luck and I hope this information brings you closer to your goals!

Automate Social Media Marketing


Earn Money And Work From Home Typing

Everybody knows how to type. This is the reason why online typing jobs are very popular on the Web. With the job market being increasingly unreliable, people realize that they have to start working independently. The good thing about it is that with the Internet, earning money from the comfort of our own home has [...]


Best Weight Loss Shakes: A Quick Overview of ViSalus

A Quick Overview of ViSalus

visalus body by vi people and culture visalus 90 day body by vi challenge healthy weight loss tips  Best Weight Loss Shakes: A Quick Overview of ViSalus

 Losing weight is one of the most common concerns nowadays while obesity has affected millions of Americans.

For that reason, weight loss products have flooded the market since the early 90s up to now. One of today’s most popular weight loss products is the best weight loss shakes, by ViSalus. ViSalus is basically designed to help people improve their health and achieve their weight and fitness goals. The thing that makes ViSalus different from its competitors is that it’s combined with a weight loss challenge/program.

The manufacturer of ViSalus introduced the said weight loss shake side by side with a 90-day weight loss challenge. Needless to say, the combination between ViSalus and a tried and tested program to lose weight has resulted into greater effectiveness.

More and more people are coming out and giving testimonials on the effectiveness of ViSalus and how the weight loss shake aid them to achieve their fitness and weight loss goals.

Pick one of the following 3 options to get started:

Buy what you need,

when you need it.

No obligations.

3 For FREE Program,

Wholesale prices and

FREE Product!

Become a Promoter!

Have Fun and Make Money!
visalus body by vi people and culture visalus 90 day body by vi challenge healthy weight loss tips  Best Weight Loss Shakes: A Quick Overview of ViSalusvisalus body by vi people and culture visalus 90 day body by vi challenge healthy weight loss tips  Best Weight Loss Shakes: A Quick Overview of ViSalusvisalus body by vi people and culture visalus 90 day body by vi challenge healthy weight loss tips  Best Weight Loss Shakes: A Quick Overview of ViSalus

The post Best Weight Loss Shakes: A Quick Overview of ViSalus appeared first on Visalus Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge.


L-Arginine – What Are the Claimed Benefits of This Supplement?

Josh K. asked:

L-Arginine is the L-form of the arginine amino acid. The substance is one of the twenty common amino acids (naturally occurring). In humans, arginine is considered as a conditionally essential amino acid. Based upon factors such as the age (or rather development) of the patient, as well as his health status, it may be considered as essential (for instance in infants who do not internally meet the requirements).

L-Arginine is taken in supplement form for a variety of claimed benefits. Please bear in mind that these are simply claims and may or may not be effective, as with all human notions. Some of the proposed benefits are listed below:

Using a low ratio of arginine along with lysine may be useful in treating the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Additionally, foods containing large amounts of the substance are supposed to be avoided during herpes outbreaks.

Several things that the intake of L-Arginine is supposed to increase or improve include: immune function, insulin sensitivity, muscle mass, reproductive ability, etc. On the other hand, it is considered to reduce or decrease things such as: damaged tissue or injury healing period, blood pressure, body fat tissue (adipose), etc.

Along with dietary supplements, L-Arginine can also be found naturally in many sources, both vegetable and animal. Several of the common vegetable sources include: granola, oatmeal, seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, etc.), nuts (peanuts, cashews, almonds, etc.), and others. Some animal-related dietary sources include those such as: chicken and other poultry, pork, beef, seafood, dairy products (cheese, yoghurt, milk, etc.), and others.

Some side effects may be present in taking L-Arginine. For instance, some of the claimed or potential cautions include: worsened asthma or increased lung inflammation when it is inhaled, and increased growth hormone production.


Social Media Marketing

I’m about to give you all the tools you need

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Every Day Through Social Media”

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We’ve decided to give you my new video training series!

These new videos take you step-by-step in seting up all the various accounts

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What’s Included?

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  • Lesson 1 – Intro To Social Media

  • Lesson 2 – Google+, How To Set Up Your Account and Use The System

  • Lesson 3 – Facebook

  • Lesson 4 – Twitter

  • Lesson 5 – YouTube

  • Lesson 6 – Digg

  • Lesson 7 – Stumble Upon

  • Lesson 8 – Social Media Automation

  • Lesson 9 – Lead Capture Pages

  • BONUS – Video Tutorial for Complete WordPress Blog Setup

  • BONUS – Membership to the Social Media Rodeo Traning Website

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    Thank you for making me look like i know what I am doing. I have to go to my own blog to learn what I “seem” to alredy know. I am still trying to learn twitter and what the purpose is, and how am I suposed to respond to all these people coming out of the woodwork….lol C.S.

    Time is at a premium I’m looking to leverage my efforts as much as possible. I love all the social media tools and want to maximize my effective use of them. Specifically I use these programs to 1) help me post to an ever growing list of social media sites on a regular basis, 2) drive traffic to my sites and 3) help me monitize both. D.B.

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    Wednesday, November 28, 2012

    How To Setup And Use Google Apps


    Direct Selling Tips

    Whether you’re brand new to direct sales or a seasoned pro, I want to offer you some direct selling tips that I have put together. It is my hope that these tips will help you identify areas for improvement. In the business of direct marketing, if you’re not constantly honing your skills and techniques, you’re [...]


    Magnetic Sponsoring and Mentoring For Free Totally Exposed

    Brian N Dudley asked:

    If you have spent any time researching the Network Marketing or MLM industry you might have heard of Magnetic Sponsoring, by Mike Dillard and Mentoring For Free by Michael Dlouhy.

    Each of these systems and trainings offer value and benefits. Although they both serve as tools for recruiting, sponsoring and making money, the approach and method is different. The purpose of this article is to give you the information from an unbiased point of view so you can make a choice which one, if any makes sense for you.

    Attraction Marketing Applies

    If you are not familiar with attraction marketing and are seeking to find prospects for your MLM or Network Marketing business, let me recommend you become a student of this marketing philosophy. Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring is considered amongst many in the industry of MLM and Network Marketing to be the handbook for Attraction Marketing.

    Micheal Dlouhy’s Mentoring For Free is promoted more as a recruiting system by distributing a free Success in 10 Steps e-book that shares Mr. Dlouhy’s 20+ years of experience with the Network Marketing and MLM industry.

    Become an Expert or Follow an Expert?

    In the Magnetic Sponsoring book Mike Dillard speaks about becoming an expert and providing value to others. He also shares principles on leadership and how to develop marketing that brands yourself as an expert to attract others to your business.

    Mentoring For Free is a training system that promotes the free e-book Success in 10 steps. Michael Dlouhy gives a very lighthearted look at some of the pains and challenges in the MLM and Network Marketing business.

    Micheal Dlouhy is positioned as the expert who can get you where you want to be by following his approach to recruiting and prospecting.

    Both of these are educational and useful in their own right in attracting like – minded individuals to your business.

    Funded Proposal or Free

    Magnetic Sponsoring provides you with the marketing principles needed for attraction marketing. It is your responsibility to do the work to become the expert. Just by learning the simple marketing approach taught, starts you on the path of becoming an expert in lead attraction.

    Mentoring For Free brands Micheal Dlouhy as the expert. His 20+ years of experience in the industry, Mr. Dlouhy shares his findings of researching hundreds of companies and their lack of training and development for people to succeed.

    Mentoring for Free allows people to listen in on prospecting calls being made to others that have received the free 10 steps to success e-book. The emphasis during the training is focusing in on the prospects personality type so you say the right things to build trust and confidence with them.

    Magnetic Sponsoring is what is known as a funded proposal that you can market where you make 50% of the $39.95 sale.

    Mentoring for Free offers free training as a way to attract and build trust to eventually share with you a business opportunity. If you would like to distribute the 10 Steps to Success E-Book yourself, you can join for a monthly fee of $19.95 for distribution rights.

    The intent behind the story…

    Michael Dlouhy presents another lesson called the five pillars which is really a very genius marketing approach to present F.U.D. (fear, uncertainty, doubt) about companies cancelling your agreement at any time they wish. Although he is accurate and it has been done, the last thing someone wants to consider is working really hard to build a business and have their check taken away. This leads someone to believe their own company is a threat to their future and they should consider a company like his to market with.

    Magnetic Sponsoring offers a training that shows people in the mlm and network marketing business how to implement attraction marketing vs buying leads and cold calling on the telephone. When you promote Magnetic Sponsoring you share your contact with Mike Dillard and his expert team of marketers. Mike and his team offer multiple products and will continue to make these offers to your prospect as long as the prospect does not unsubscribe. You will continue to receive 50% of any of the sales made to someone you introduced.

    Neither Wrong, Nor Better Just Is

    So whether you choose to use Magnetic Sponsoring or Mentoring For Free needs to be a choice in which you make based on how it fits your personality and goals. Both have value and you can learn a tremendous amount from both Mike Dillard and Michael Dlouhy.

    Just remember for systems and trainings to work you have to put in the effort. Find something you like and believe in and put your head down and don’t look up until you get where your vision will take you.

    Have a blessed and prosperous day.

    Social Media Tools


    Visalus' Ryan Blair on Being Thankful


    Single dad Ryan Blair has a lot to be thankful for this year. The 35-year-old millionaire, philanthropist and New York Times best selling author overcame tremendous adversity to turn his life around.

    But this year takes on an even greater meaning as his mother just awoke from an 18-month coma.

    As Ryan Blair approaches Thanksgiving, he has much to be thankful for — a thriving business, the ability to give back, a beautiful son and even his

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    Best Weight Loss Shakes: A Quick Overview of ViSalus

    A Quick Overview of ViSalus

    Losing weight is one of the most common concerns nowadays while obesity has affected millions of Americans.
    For that reason, weight loss products have flooded the market since the early 90s up to now. One of today's most popular weight loss products is the best weight loss shakes, by ViSalus. ViSalus is basically designed to help people improve their health and achieve their weight and fitness goals. The thing that makes ViSalus different from its competitors

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    A Quick LifeVantage Review and Why You Should Brand Yourself First

    Scott Dietzel asked:

    LifeVantage is a company that has been around since 2003 and in June of 2009 they opened up the network marketing side of their business. This has caused quite a rush of new distributors to become involved with this company and with the recent expansion and the successful pre-launch in Japan, they seem to be poised for phenomenal growth.

    The product Protandim definitely has captured the attention of the media in recent years, having been in development and researched over the past forty years…

    They seemed to have Capture the Fountain of Youth!

    Baby boomers are especially taking notice of Protandim and what it can do to alleviate the oxidative stress levels in the body by bringing them back to the levels of that of a twenty year old.

    So where do I sign up?

    Every network marketer thinks that they have the best product since Edison invented the light bulb, but when someone is looking at the network marketing industry possibly for the first time, they are looking for somebody to lock arms with that will take them under their wing and show them the way.

    Spamming a video out to friends and family is not the way to duplicate success!

    The internet has changed the business of network marketing; new and veteran distributors alike are embracing this change.

    People DO NOT like having products or comp plans shoved down their throats and it is one of the quickest ways to lose that prospect FOREVER!

    Did you know that you can still earn money off of your prospects even if they do not join you in your business? How can that be and why anybody would not want to see this opportunity with such an amazing product?

    Most people are not born to sell, that is a fact. People want to join people, not products or opportunities. LifeVantage may be on the cutting edge with Protandim and the excellent video sales aids but…

    What about YOU?

    Quick sales are great, do not get me wrong, but where is the duplication and retention? Having your prospects become pre-qualified by having them go through a sales funnel type of system will allow YOU, the new distributor, a chance for your prospect to get to know like and trust you.

    Incorporating a funded proposal sales funnel for your business will give you the chance to earn off of your prospects by offering them different tools that could help them with their online marketing efforts and lead generation techniques regardless if they fork over the $600.00 bucks to join the opportunity or not.

    The video that LifeVantage uses to promote Protandim is extremely powerful but new people coming into the industry are more concerned with whom rather than what they are joining.

    An attraction marketing sales funnel will help you to build that relationship with your new prospects as they flow through the pipeline and eventually to your opportunity.

    Setting up such a lead capturing system would require you to have an enormous amount of time, money, and resources to make it flow smoothly.

    There just so happens to be such a system in place that is generic in nature, enabling YOU to brand yourself and eventually introduce your company while even having a third party endorsement to generate targeted leads for your business.


    Body By Vi Ingredients & Nutrition Data

    Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake Mix & Body By Vi Ingredients

    visalus body by vi products vi shape transformation kit shape kit fit kit core kit balance kit  Body By Vi Ingredients & Nutrition Datavisalus body by vi products vi shape transformation kit shape kit fit kit core kit balance kit  Body By Vi Ingredients & Nutrition Data

    Body By Vi Ingredients - “Fast food” made healthy

    Cutting calories while getting proper nutrition can be hard, expensive, and timeconsuming. Visalus Vi-Shape™ shakes offers you a fast ‘ideal meal’ that can save you money

    while providing amazing nutrition.

    To make a meal, mix 2 rounded scoops of the Vi-Shape® shake mix into non-fat

    milk or soy milk and blend. Mix with water for a protein snack. For added flavor

    and nutrition, you can also blend in fresh, frozen or canned fruits. Try our

    Shape-Up™ Health Flavor mix-ins for flavor and added nutrition.

    Why is our shake better than others?  The Body By Vi Ingredients

    1. A unique, concentrated and absorbable blend of proteins processedto remove fat, lactose, carbohydrates and isoflavones to provide pure,

      concentrated protein. When mixed with milk or soy milk, we provide 20-22

      grams of protein, the right mix to burn fat and build lean muscle.

    2. Low sodium. Lower than other brands!

    3. Contains a serving of whole milk, for bone healthy calcium.

    4. Contains a full serving of fruit or vegetable fiber, without gas.

    5. Contains digestive aids and enzymes, including prebiotic activity formaximum nutrition absorption.

    6. Smells and tastes like cake mix! No grit! No metallic aftertaste.

    visalus body by vi products vi shape transformation kit shape kit fit kit core kit balance kit  Body By Vi Ingredients & Nutrition Data

    Pick one of the following 3 options to get started:

    Buy what you need,

    when you need it.

    No obligations.

    3 For FREE Program,

    Wholesale prices and

    FREE Product!

    Become a Promoter!

    Have Fun and Make Money!
    visalus body by vi products vi shape transformation kit shape kit fit kit core kit balance kit  Body By Vi Ingredients & Nutrition Datavisalus body by vi products vi shape transformation kit shape kit fit kit core kit balance kit  Body By Vi Ingredients & Nutrition Datavisalus body by vi products vi shape transformation kit shape kit fit kit core kit balance kit  Body By Vi Ingredients & Nutrition Data

    The post Body By Vi Ingredients & Nutrition Data appeared first on Visalus Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge.


    Thursday, November 22, 2012

    Visalus' Ryan Blair on Being Thankful


    Single dad Ryan Blair has a lot to be thankful for this year. The 35-year-old millionaire, philanthropist and New York Times best selling author overcame tremendous adversity to turn his life around.

    But this year takes on an even greater meaning as his mother just awoke from an 18-month coma.

    As Ryan Blair approaches Thanksgiving, he has much to be thankful for — a thriving business, the ability to give back, a beautiful son and even his

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    Visalus' Ryan Blair on Being Thankful


    Single dad Ryan Blair has a lot to be thankful for this year. The 35-year-old millionaire, philanthropist and New York Times best selling author overcame tremendous adversity to turn his life around.

    But this year takes on an even greater meaning as his mother just awoke from an 18-month coma.

    As Ryan Blair approaches Thanksgiving, he has much to be thankful for — a thriving business, the ability to give back, a beautiful son and even his

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    What Are Visalus Shakes and How They Help In Our Daily lives

    What Are Visalus Shakes and How They Help In Our Daily Daily lives
    Now, more and more smart people are asking What are Visalus shakes. With the growing number of mortality and morbidity rate, the world today has grown to be more concern in managing their weight and lifestyle. They try to be more fit by doing the right things such as eating right, being more physically active and changing their unhealthy routines. They engage in different activities during their spare time such as exercise,

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    What Are Visalus Shakes and How They Help In Our Daily lives

    What Are Visalus Shakes and How They Help In Our Daily Daily lives
    Now, more and more smart people are asking What are Visalus shakes. With the growing number of mortality and morbidity rate, the world today has grown to be more concern in managing their weight and lifestyle. They try to be more fit by doing the right things such as eating right, being more physically active and changing their unhealthy routines. They engage in different activities during their spare time such as exercise,

    Read more ...

    What Are Visalus Shakes and How It Helps In Our Daily lives


    What Are Visalus Shakes and How It Helps In Our Daily Daily lives
    Now, more and more smart people are asking What are Visalus shakes. With the growing number of mortality and morbidity rate, the world today has grown to be more concern in managing their weight and lifestyle. They try to be more fit by doing the right things such as eating right, being more physically active and changing their unhealthy routines. They engage in different activities during their spare time such as

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    Monday, November 19, 2012

    Are Body by Vi Shakes Safe While Pregnant

    Body By Vi Shakes – Are They Safe During Pregnancy or Okay for Pregnant Women & Nursing Moms?
    The Body By Vi Shakes are a GREAT alternative for sweets forpregnant women and moms nursing. The sweet cream – “shake mix that taste like cake mix” LITERALLY – can be turned into a delicious dessert alternative over a high in sugar, calorie, carbs dessert (that contains no nutrients for the baby).

    By no means are the Body By Vi Shakes an alternative to food to stay slim through

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    Monday, November 12, 2012

    Vi Shakes Review | ViSalus 90 Day Challenge Body By VI

    Vi Shakes Review
    The ViSalus Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge continues to be one of the hottest weight loss programs in North America. Thousands of people are losing more weight than they ever imagined and thousands of other people are simply getting more fit. So what makes the ViSalus program so popular and explosive?
    At the heart of the success is great product, and this Vi Shakes review article will examine the products to help explain the phenomena around the 90 Day Challenge By

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    Body By Vi Results

    Over 15 MILLION Pounds Have Been Shed on The Challenge!
    But, it's not just about weight loss. Over 150,000 NEW people every month join The Challenge to lose

    Steve Dekok lost 17 pounds in his first 30 days!

    Wow! 71 pounds lost at 51 years of age!

    Layla lost 27 pounds on her first 90 day challenge, but it’s how she FEELS now that is the real transformation.

    Goodbye beer gut!

    Laykyn was teased endlessly by friends, people at school, and even teachers! The 170

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    Take The Body By Vi Challenge For Free!

    Take The Body By Vi Challenge For Free!
    Studies show that the best way to achieve your weight-loss goal is by doing it with friends.

    If you enroll in a weight-loss (health & fitness) program with three friends or colleagues you already know, the odds of maintaining your weight loss 10 months later goes up to 66%…versus 24% if you enroll in a program alone.
    Source: Well Being: The Five Essential Elements by Tom Roth & James K. Harter, Ph.D.

    That’s why ViSalus™

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    What Is The Visalus 90 Day Body By Vi Challenge?

    With Over 150,000 NEW People Starting the Challenge Each Month, The Body By Vi Challenge is The #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Platform In North America
    Start Your Challenge Today!
    You can to take The Body By Vi Challenge RISK FREE because every challenge kit is backed with a full, no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee.
    With a NEW person joining The Challenge every 8 seconds, over 110 MILLION shakes served, over 15 million pounds lost on The Challenge, as well as,

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    Body By Vi Rewards

    The Body by Vi Challenge has become the fastest growing health movement in North America, with over 150,000 new challengers joining every month! Even more amazing, this has all been done with NO TRADITIONAL ADVERTISING! The Challenge is going viral, powered by people telling people about their results! ViSalus fuels this organic growth with an entire program of cash bonuses and other rewards for simply promoting the Challenge!
    Simply share your results with everyone

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    Take The Body By Vi Challenge For Free!

    Take The Body By Vi Challenge For Free!
    Studies show that the best way to achieve your weight-loss goal is by doing it with friends.

    If you enroll in a weight-loss (health & fitness) program with three friends or colleagues you already know, the odds of maintaining your weight loss 10 months later goes up to 66%…versus 24% if you enroll in a program alone.
    Source: Well Being: The Five Essential Elements by Tom Roth & James K. Harter, Ph.D.

    That’s why ViSalus™

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    Body By Vi Rewards

    The Body by Vi Challenge has become the fastest growing health movement in North America, with over 150,000 new challengers joining every month! Even more amazing, this has all been done with NO TRADITIONAL ADVERTISING! The Challenge is going viral, powered by people telling people about their results! ViSalus fuels this organic growth with an entire program of cash bonuses and other rewards for simply promoting the Challenge!
    Simply share your results with everyone

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    What Is The Visalus 90 Day Body By Vi Challenge?

    With Over 150,000 NEW People Starting the Challenge Each Month, The Body By Vi Challenge is The #1 Weight Loss and Fitness Platform In North America
    Start Your Challenge Today!
    You can to take The Body By Vi Challenge RISK FREE because every challenge kit is backed with a full, no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee.
    With a NEW person joining The Challenge every 8 seconds, over 110 MILLION shakes served, over 15 million pounds lost on The Challenge, as well as,

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    Take The Body By Vi Challenge For Free!

    Take The Body By Vi Challenge For Free!
    Studies show that the best way to achieve your weight-loss goal is by doing it with friends.

    If you enroll in a weight-loss (health & fitness) program with three friends or colleagues you already know, the odds of maintaining your weight loss 10 months later goes up to 66%…versus 24% if you enroll in a program alone.
    Source: Well Being: The Five Essential Elements by Tom Roth & James K. Harter, Ph.D.

    That’s why ViSalus™

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    Take The Body By Vi Challenge For Free!

    Studies show that the best way to achieve your weight-loss goal is by doing it with friends.

    If you enroll in a weight-loss (health & fitness) program with three friends or colleagues you already know, the odds of maintaining your weight loss 10 months later goes up to 66%…versus 24% if you enroll in a program alone.
    Source: Well Being: The Five Essential Elements by Tom Roth & James K. Harter, Ph.D.

    That’s why ViSalus™ awards a FREE Body by Vi™ Challenge Kit

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    Body By Vi Results

    Over 15 MILLION Pounds Have Been Shed on The Challenge!
    But, it's not just about weight loss. Over 150,000 NEW people every month join The Challenge to lose

    Steve Dekok lost 17 pounds in his first 30 days!

    Wow! 71 pounds lost at 51 years of age!

    Layla lost 27 pounds on her first 90 day challenge, but it’s how she FEELS now that is the real transformation.

    Goodbye beer gut!

    Laykyn was teased endlessly by friends, people at school, and even teachers! The 170

    Read more ...

    Sunday, November 11, 2012

    Vi Shakes Review | ViSalus 90 Day Challenge Body By VI

    Vi Shakes Review
    July 18th, 2012 // 10:39 am@ Ron
    The ViSalus Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge continues to be one of the hottest weight loss programs in North America. Thousands of people are losing more weight than they ever imagined and thousands of other people are simply getting more fit. So what makes the ViSalus program so popular and explosive?
    At the heart of the success is great product, and this Vi Shakes review article will examine the products to help explain the phenomena

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    Vi Shakes Review | ViSalus 90 Day Challenge Body By VI

    Vi Shakes Review
    July 18th, 2012 // 10:39 am@ Ron
    The ViSalus Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge continues to be one of the hottest weight loss programs in North America. Thousands of people are losing more weight than they ever imagined and thousands of other people are simply getting more fit. So what makes the ViSalus program so popular and explosive?
    At the heart of the success is great product, and this Vi Shakes review article will examine the products to help explain the phenomena

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    Vi Shakes Review | ViSalus 90 Day Challenge Body By VI

    Vi Shakes Review
    July 18th, 2012 // 10:39 am@ Ron
    The ViSalus Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge continues to be one of the hottest weight loss programs in North America. Thousands of people are losing more weight than they ever imagined and thousands of other people are simply getting more fit. So what makes the ViSalus program so popular and explosive?
    At the heart of the success is great product, and this Vi Shakes review article will examine the products to help explain the phenomena

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    ViSalus Shake Reviews | ViSalus 90 Day Challenge Body By VI

    Today, I get to write about the most yummy part of ViSalus and review the key component of the Body By Vi Diet Plan. The best part of the ViSalus shakes is that they come in a standard “vanilla” mix, and you can add whatever you want to enhance the flavor.

    Since it is early peach season here in the south, this morning I had a peach flavored shake and it was absolutely delicious. Better yet, it took about two minutes to make – two scoops of shake mix, eight ounces of milk and one

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