Monday, December 3, 2012

Water, An Antioxidant

Pamela Barinoff asked:

We’ve all heard how antioxidants in our foods and supplements are necessary to reduce free radical damage and slow the aging process. They act as scavengers eating up free radicals like little pac men in our bodies to reduce oxidative stress, caused by chemical reactions with oxygen. Antioxidants are commonly found in fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C and E also have antioxidant actions in the body.

Scientists have shown that most diseases and health problems are a result of free radical damage in the body. Increasing studies show that adding 5 servings of antioxidant rich antioxidant foods daily, for example, can reduce the risk of such diseases as stroke by 25 percent.

What most people don’t know however is that water can be put through a natural process with specialized filters to produce healthy drinking water full of antioxidants. Cerra bioceramic technology produces water with a high antioxidant value using various types of bioceramic beads in conjunction with filtering materials to change the qualities of the water, making it more supportive of vibrant health. Antioxidants in water can be measured with an ORP meter. ORP stands for Oxygen Reduction Potential. What oxygen reduction does is reduce the oxidative damage in the body, much like rusting on metals like iron and steel. It’s not a pretty picture when you’re rusting from the inside out.

Within the last few years the Surgeon General reported that 78 percent of deaths are related to diet. That is a pretty bold statement but probably true as most Americans rarely eat a piece of fruit or see a vegetable other than French fries on their plate. Scientists and doctors are all saying that most deaths in the US are premature. People are dying before their time, because their body is so damaged that it can no longer support life.

The negative ions in the water have the same action as the antioxidants in the fruits and vegetables that people are supposed to eat. So, if you can’t follow your mom’s advice and eat your vegetables, then you should start drinking antioxidant, alkaline water to reduce the premature aging and oxidative stress in your body.

If you wake up stiff in the morning, if you have low energy, trouble sleeping, joint aches, muscle cramping, inflexibility, that middle age spread, and those signs that you are indeed getting older, you need to get yourself hydrated and take more antioxidants. What better way to do it than get both through the water you drink.


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