Each list in an account has its own messages, subscribers, and sign up forms, and you may set up as many in your account as you’d like. For instance, if you have multiple websites, you can have a list for each.
To help you to work separately within each list, near the top of any page you’re working on, you’ll
find the name of the list you’re working on in the “Current List” drop-down box.
List Name:
This sets the name you’ll see in the Current List box. It will appear in very limited places in your email campaigns to your subscribers (such as on the unsubscribe page), but it is mostly for your reference, like naming a file on your computer. Enter in your desired name, and wait a few seconds. Just beneath the box, you’ll see either a green or red highlighted line letting you know of whether or not that name is available.
List Description:
Choose a few words here to describe the subject of your list. When someone clicks on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of your messages, they will be reminded of what it is they’d subscribed for with this value.
From” Name and Address:
Enter the name and email address that you would like your subscribers to see as the from address when they receive email from your list. It’s important that you brand your messages with an email address including your name or your company’s. Wherever possible, you’ll want to use an email address hosted at the same domain as your website. So, for example, if my website is found at http://www.example.com, I could use support@example.com or newsletter@example.com.
Source: socialmediarodeo.com
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