Before buying expensive cosmetics, beauty products and anti-aging supplements to improve your skin’s appearance too, it’s important to know the causes of premature aging first so you can make the necessary lifestyle changes.
Causes of premature aging are both genetic (intrinsic or internal) and environmental (extrinsic or external).
The natural aging process is what we call intrinsic aging. When we reach mid-20s our skin starts to age. The production of collagen and elastin slows down, the renewal of skin cells also is not as fast as when we were in our teens. This results to fine wrinkles, thin and transparent skin, dry skin that may itch and even bone loss which cause the skin to sag. It’s a biological process so we can’t really stop it.
But we can do something about external aging which is caused by environmental factors such as UV rays and pollution. By making little changes in our lifestyle and practicing good habits, we can prevent premature aging.
- Frequent exposure to the sun. Avoid it when it’s at its strongest, from 10AM to 4PM.
- Smoking. Studies show that heavy smokers (10 sticks a day) tend to develop deeply wrinkled skin.
- Facial exercises. Our skin because it decreases elasticity with age then to develop fine wrinkles when keep on doing the same facial expressions on a regular basis.
- Sleeping position. Watch how you sleep. Don’t sleep with your face on the pillow. Sleep on your back.
- Gravity. Have a regular exercise routine to keep muscles tight and slow bone density loss.
- Diet. Eat the right food and your skin will show the glow.
There is also one supplement that many people, including celebrities, who swear helps ward off the aging process and that is HGH. It does have its benefits and side effects. There is plenty of research out there to help you make an informed decision on whether on not you want to buy HGH to help with anti aging
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