Friday, January 4, 2013

Antioxidant Fruit – Healthy Power of Blueberry, Acai Berry and Pomegranate

Gordon Deuce asked:

Blueberry Antioxidant Fruit

In order to make a healthy antioxidant juice that tastes great, there is little better than adding Blueberries.

Berries in general include generous amounts of vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants and fiber.

The Blueberry contains the highest ORAC value of any other antioxidant fruit commonly available (researched by Tufts University). Blueberry’s health benefits seem to benefit our Brains the most, include benefiting motor skills and preventing memory loss. Studies have shown benefits in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Blueberries contain vitamins C, A, E, K and B.

Blueberry belong to the same family as cranberry and bilberry. It has a blue coloring that is caused by the antioxidants.

Along with helping the overall health of our brains, blueberries also benefit our Hearts and blood vessels. Blueberries keep blood vessels strong in structure. The main antioxidant called Anthocyanidins neutralizes free radical damage that can cause heart disease, varicose veins, cataracts, glaucoma, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers and cancer.

Blueberry contains more anthocyanidins than red wine, helps the eyes more than carrots, reduce the risk of colon cancer 3X!

Another antioxidant, ellagic acid, blocks that “pathways” that lead to cancer and contain pectin, known to help the colon clean itself, lower bile acid levels and reduce cholesterol. The antioxidant fruit blueberry has been shown to reduce ovarian cancer. Blueberries reduce inflammation in the digestive system and reduce the ability for E. Coli to cause infections.

Acai Berry Antioxidant Fruit

A little known fruit, until recently, is Acai Berries. The juice from acai contain not only vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids, but also the antioxidants known for boosting the immune system.

Acai Berry are considered a “Super Food” because of the content of antioxidants. In fact, research shows that Acai Berry has 300% higher concentrations of antioxidants than any other fruit. Acai Berries contain the antioxidants Anthocyanins and flavonoids. These two important antioxidant types help the body deal with stress and protect its cells.

The antioxidants in Acai Berry are known to protect against cancer and heart disease. They also provide stimulation to the metabolism, giving eaters and drinkers increased levels of energy. Some claim that the increased metobolism can help with weight loss.

Acai Berry Oil is used in many skin products because the oil can be stored for long periods without losing its values.

Acai Berry is only found in the Amazon rain forest. It is freeze-dried and crushed into a powder.

(Source: WebMD )

Pomegranate Antioxidant Fruit

Antioxidant juice from Pomegranates has been shown to prevent hardening and cholesterol forming on the walls of arteries. Blood vessel damage caused by free radials is prevented by the nitric acid, which is naturally produced by the body. However, pomegranates are shown to stimulate the output of nitric acid.

The Antioxidant Fruit pomegranate can prevent blood clots caused by the clumping of blood platelets. Better circulation has been shown from pomegranates causes by an increase in oxygen to the heart. Better circulation also results in the prevention of erectile dysfunction. Tumors and cancerous growths have been shown to reduce in size. Arthritis is often reduced because of the anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranates. (Source: CRFG.Org )


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